Sunday, September 13, 2015

Decrypt these codes for USD25,000.00

usd25k decryption challenge

An anonymous team had organized a decryption challenge with an award of RM100,000.00 (approx. USD25,000.00) to decrypt three set of codes. This challenge had been highlighted in website, the biggest I.T community in Malaysia.

These codes had been encrypted using AES-256 military grade encryption method. Yup, 256bit and 14 hashes. That will take a very loooooooong time to bruteforce. You must have the secret keys to decipher the codes.

The encrypted codes are :

Code 1


Code 2


Code 3


The organizer had set up a set of rules and regulations :

  1. This challenge is open to all Malaysians and Singaporeans to participate
  2. Participant must decipher ALL the 3 encrypted messages correctly to be considered as a winner
  3. Participant will need to provide their email address and contact number upon submission
  4. Participant will need to submit ALL answers latest by 17th Sept 2015 at 12.00pm. Any late submissions will not be entertained
  5. Participant to email the answers to
  6. Organizers will only contact participants with the correct answers
  7. Participants who successfully deciphered the messages will be requested to do a demonstration to the organizers on the way the messages were deciphered
  8. Submissions from participants who are related directly or indirectly to the organizer and the rest of the team will be disqualified.
Well, it is a bad news for peoples from outside of Malaysia and Singapore as this challenge is opens only to Malaysian and Singaporean but if you can decipher the code, you surely know how to beat the rules.

The organizer had set up a website for this challenge with some introductions to AES256 encryption and some hidden secret keys. Go to their website here and start digging. Good luck. 


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